Which Medical Illnesses Could Stop You from Passing Your Drivers Medical?

Although it’s hard to say exactly what could and couldn’t affect your drivers medical, we have a general idea. Many illnesses can affect your medical exam, and it’s important for you to know which ones.

Driver medicals professionals, Manchester Medicals, advise knowing exactly what you can and can’t get away with prior to your medical exam and decided to share four illnesses that are guaranteed to negatively affect your medical.


Diabetes is a tough ailment to determine when it comes to a medical exam, as the requirements are quite strict. As long as you can get a statement from your consultant confirming that you are managing your diabetes and are stable, then you should be ok.

You should also be able to demonstrate that you understand your condition and know how to keep it under control so that you don’t become unwell.


If you’ve recently had a fit or a blackout, then the guidance is then complicated. The law goes from no ban to a ban from driving of up to 10 years. This is obviously not great if you’ve recently had a blackout and are wanting to become a driver.

It also depends on the nature and standard of your symptoms and how severe they are. To be able to know for sure, you would have to contact your GP for advice.

Poor Vision

You can have poor vision and drive, as long as you have glasses or contacts in. Although that can be the case, the exam tests your vision with and without your glasses, to see how bad the situation is.

Driver Medicals experts suggest making sure that you take your glasses or contacts with you when you go to your exam, as they will test both! You can drive with bad vision, as long as you have glasses/contacts and your eyesight meets the correct standards whilst wearing them.

Heart Problems

If you’re unsure whether you can pass your medical exam due to an underlying health risk such as heart disease or a previous heart attack, it’s always best to get in touch with your GP to make absolutely sure.

If you were to suffer from a heart attack, you are only allowed to drive after 6 weeks prior to the attack. You would also need special tests done by a cardiologist, which would include a treadmill test. Any angina symptoms have to be regulated and controlled in order to pass your exam.

Contact Driver Medicals Professionals Manchester Medicals Today

At Manchester Medicals, we make sure that you’re supplied with the most professional medical specialists in the country for your medical exams. If you’re looking for someone to perform your driver medical exam, then call Manchester Medicals today on 0161 8262124.